Today a local builder and electrician downed tools a bit early to join us out on the briny. By the looks of things, there were plenty of other boaties with the same idea! The forecast was good so we headed out to Taranga Island (the Hen) and started out at the far eastern point. Here we put down the anchor and got a berley trail underway. Within minutes we had some good kahawai in the bin and shortly afterwards found a massive school of trevally – lots of fun . After 20 or 30 minutes we started to catch some reasonable snapper but the nor’easter kicked in and swell started to make things a little difficult. There are so many options out here it wasn’t difficult to go to plan B. Off we headed to the sheltered western end of the island where once again we put down the anchor and got another berley trail underway. This time the target species was snapper and that’s what we caught – and plenty of them.
What a great way to wind down after a day at work. We finished the day in flat calm conditions while watching a beautiful sun set over Bream Bay. The journey home just after sunset was easy with a relatively flat calm bar.